Saturday, January 11, 2014


My new, pretty and extra large coffee cup that I bought on super clearance at Michaels. This cup holds ALOT of coffee! My thoughts were that with the pretty colors, and the "B" for Beth, no one in my household would try to steal THIS cup...Ha, Ha! The first thing out of both of my sons mouths as they looked at it with huge, admiring eyes was: "Oh! "B" for Boyd!! It's a FAMILY cup!"

This is my new, pretty and extra large coffee cup that I bought on super clearance at Michaels. This cup holds ALOT of coffee! My thoughts were that with the pretty colors, and the "B" for Beth, no one in my household would try to steal THIS cup...Ha, Ha! The first thing out of both of my sons mouths as they looked at it with huge, admiring eyes was: "Oh! "B" for Boyd!! It's a FAMILY cup!"
Today is the first Saturday since Thanksgiving that we don't really have anything to do, so we're just going to take it easy. Tomorrow our church will be singing at a local nursing home. What a blessing it is to see the light in the faces and eyes of those dear elderly people while they listen!
We hope that you have a wonderful and blessed Saturday!
Beth :-)

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Here is the new addition to Samuel's bedroom. Samuel got the doe and my husband got the buck.
It's been a long week for me. I was sick the first part of the week. Then Samuel has been having a few challenges in school. Prayers are really appreciated!
Next weekend will be full and busy. There is a spaghetti fund raiser next Saturday for one of our girls in the church who had a stroke. Then Sunday following is Youth Sunday. I can't wait. I love having the youth involved in our church.
Have a great day!
The Boyds :-)
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Thursday, February 21, 2013


Nathan and Samuel both have the nasty cold that's been going around, although not as intense as I have seen others have, so for that I am so very grateful!
This mommy is at the point of exhaustion, however, as nights of broken sleep are catching up with me. Prayers are greatly appreciated!
James 5:16 says that, "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Well, last night, when I heard Samuel start coughing, I was too exhausted to lift my head from the pillow, let alone fervently pray. So, I prayed, "Lord, you know how tired I am, too tired to even pray like I want to. Please hear and quiet Samuel's cough." You know what?? Yes, you guessed it! Samuel's cough quieted down.
We have an awesome God! I give Him all honor and praise!
Have a wonderful day!
The Boyds :-)

Sunday, January 27, 2013


I slowly opened my eyes this morning, only to see this staring back at me:

Samuel had put his giraffe on my pillow because he thought I needed a little company. :-)
Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday. I can't wait to get back to church!
The Boyds :-)

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Oh, where has the summer gone? At first, it seemed to go slowly, but now it's time for school to start again next Friday!
Let's see....
We FINALLY got to go away for a WHOLE week, which we haven't been able to do for a couple of years because it's so very hard to coordinate between my work schedule and happenings at the church (deaths, births, weddings, etc). We went to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, TN. Awsome, awsome times!
Then, we had our VBS last Saturday. This year, I decided to go "Script-less". We built a replica of the Tabernacle in the wildnerness. We also learned about how the Israelites were divided into 4 camps, within which were 3 tribes each. As I studied for this VBS, I realized how much God wants everything done decently and in order. He is NOT the author of confusion! The children visited the camp of DAN specifically. Here, they visited each tribe, where they learned about food in the Bible, clothing and leather.
Of course, we have had lots of summer fun along the way-swimming, playing, etc.
I hope you all have enjoyed your summer as well. Now it's time to start thinking about, yes! Christmas!
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
The Boyds

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Well, we made it to the end of another school year. Where is the time going? I know it's definitely going WAY TOO FAST!
Nathan is now officially a 5th grader and Samuel is now a 2nd grader.
I was very proud as Nathan made the Honor Roll and Samuel made Principal's List AND Perfect Attendance. Perfect attendance is a very hard thing to obtain throughout the school year as I'm sure you all know. I am just so very thankful to the Lord that we didn't have the health issues with Samuel that we had last year. That was a scary and worrisome time!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Happy Mothers Day! I've already gotten my gifts and cards (the boys and my husband aren't very good at waiting!). They gave me a flowering plant for our back yard which will attract butterflies and hopefully more humming birds, Samuel gave me a necklace that he made in school, and, of course, lots of hugs and kisses all around! I love it!
Spring Revival at church has come and gone once again. Nathan sang the song that he learned for his Easter Program at school called "The Three Nails". It is an awsome song. Samuel quoted scripture. I am very proud of my two boys, and I pray that they continue on for the Lord.
School will be out in two weeks. Can you believe it? I sure can't! The boys are so excited. They are looking forward to fishing trips, hopefully a vacation trip to the mountains, and just plain, good ol' summer time fun.
I'm working on getting VBS together. I think we'll do something completely different this year. Instead of going with a program, we are going to build a Tabernacle. What do you think? I think it will be fun and very educational for both the children and the adults. Everyone is looking forward to it. Our VBS is usually done on a Saturday, so I think we can do it.
Field Day at school was fun. Nathan said that the best part for him was the water balloon fight. I got to slip over on my lunch hour and spend some time with them and help out with lunch for Samuel's class.
I have finally set up an online shop to sell the bags, burp cloths and baby blankets that I make. I'm both excited and scared at the same time, but I have given it to the Lord, and I know He will guide me.
Tomorrow night our church is having a Welcome Home party for one of our members. He is a marine and has just come back from Afghanistan. Ice cream and cake-YUM!
Well, the house is all asleep (except for me!), so I'll sign off for now.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
The Boyds :-)