Monday, February 20, 2012


The Boyd nest is all "a-twitter" this week as Nathan and Samuel have been losing teeth like crazy!
Nathan is at the point where he is losing molars and canines. The molars seem to be giving him a little more trouble than his other teeth, I guess because they are so much larger and have more roots. He also asked for a little more payment for them because they are bigger and a little bit more trouble. Hmmmm.....  :-)!
Samuel is still working on his smaller teeth. We have been reading the book, "Wiggly Tooth", a lot more lately! He likes to read it every time he has a loose tooth. Poor Samuel looks like a little hillbilly because he is so gap-toothed! Ha!
My Amish Friendship Bread starter mix is just about ready to divide and give away. I started it last Saturday. I'll be baking bread tomorrow night. I love this bread and there are so many ways to make it up. You can also bake smaller loaves to give away to teachers, elderly people, etc. It's a good lesson in charity for the boys!
Well, the weather has been up and down. It's beautiful, warm and sunny one day, then cold and rainy the next! Oh, well! Atleast we have warm days in between the cold. Where I come from, it is constantly cold and grey for atleast four months!
Scrabble was on the list for our family game time this past Thursday night. It's funny how new words are invented when people get down to their last, desparate letters! ;-)! It's a good thing we keep a dictionary handy!
Well, time to go. Have a wonderful and blessed day!
From our nest to yours,
The Boyds :-)

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